Elizabeth Brooklyn Blair

Archive for May, 2012

Happy Mother’s Day

Dear Bryce, Kate and Elizabeth,

I know Mother’s Day is a day about telling me how much you love me, but I just could not resist writing this letter tonight, to tell you how much I am the luckiest mommy in this super duper world because I have you.  No words could possibly ever come close to how much I love you.  Cancer has taken away so much in the last nine months, but little did we know it would give us so much more.  I always knew that having more than one child would not ever divide the amount of love that exists within my heart, but only multiple it in a magnitude of ways I could have never known without each of you.  Each one of you brings so much joy to my life in so many amazing ways.

Bryce, your brains are by far what I love to watch at work.  The creative, confident you that continues to grow with so much strength and determination.  9 years ago you gave me the most important job I would ever exist to accomplish in my life and that job would be, Your Mommy.  You constantly amaze me with the way you search for answers and never give up especially when it comes to making a convincing argument.  You are so much like your Daddy.  You know, I love that daddy of yours so much and to watch you grow up and be just like him, makes me smile brighter than the sun itself. You make me the proudest mama alive!

My sweet Kate, I see so much of me in you.  If I could look to the future I know I would see all of my best qualities multiplied by 1,000% in a young lady who is so passionate about showing her love for others.  Watching your heart love is an amazing gift that makes me so incredibly proud each and every single day.  I love that you mimic my every move, my every thought and my every detail.  It tells me how much I mean to you and how much of an impact I have on your precious life.  I have always known you’ve had a heart of gold, Chickee, but over the last nine months, you have blossomed into a heart full of precious diamonds.   When I look at you, I feel like what I am doing is right.  Thank you for reminding me of that everyday.

Elizabeth, I knew from the minute you were born, you had a special purpose on this earth.  I just wish it did not come in the way that it did.  But here you are, making such an impact on this world of ours.  I know this is only the beginning of the greatness you will accomplish in this lifetime.  You have always been my easy-going, free-spirited love bug.  And love bugs you do!  You are the fanciest tom-girl anyone could know.  I love to watch you explore and find all the nature qualities that exist within you.  You are a natural born explorer, adventurer, changer of this world.  The rules don’t apply to you and I love that you pay no attention to them.  You love life and can light up a room within seconds.  Keep fighting baby girl, and I will always be fighting right by your side.

 Happy Mother’s Day to all of the LOVELIEST Mama’s I could ever possibly know!

Dance Dare



On maintenance she is!  Can I get a “SHE’S HUMMING FABULOUS!”  She did it!  She made counts with flying rainbow colors on Monday and how did she celebrate, you ask?  100% EBB Style!  With a dance dare of course!  For those of you who don’t watch The Ellen Show, a dance dare is when you go up to someone behind their back and start dancing without them knowing.  If they turn around, you stop act like you’re not doing anything.  E and I watch, Ellen, together almost everyday and her favorite part are the Dance Dares.  We laugh and laugh!  So E decided she was so humming fabulous, that she would pull a dance dare on her nurse, Monday at PCH (the video is below).

It was a great celebration as she got ready to go in for one more final chemotherapy treatment in her spine.  Needless to say, Elizabeth is doing great.  She had a little bit of an upset tummy today with fatique but I’m convinced it’s because we demolished a full Oreo ice cream cake to celebrate!  Elizabeth will still continue with chemotherapy treatments at home on a daily basis for the next year and two months, however she will only need to go to the clinic for treatments once a month now instead of once-twice a week.  There is a possibility of getting her port out within the next couple of months, unfortunately that mean no swimming for most of the summer.  As some of you may know, my mom has been in town visiting.  Tonight was super duper special because tonight, “Chickee”, Kate cut her hair.  She has been talking about donating it to locks of love for quite some time and tonight she pulled it back in a ponytail and let her sister cut 11 inches of pure love off just for her!  So Beautiful in So many ways!  It’s been a great couple of days!  Life is HUMMING Fabulous!


The Blair’s




Guess What!

Rainbows and bracelets and snow cones Oh My!  😦 News, Elizabeth did not make counts Monday. The 🙂 news is… she finally has all the right cells, she just needs more of them.  Soooo cheering for this coming Monday!

This weekend was an absolute blast!  Elizabeth got to jam with Jim Atkins and they were absolutely A-MAZING together.  If you were not able to make it to our local Farmers Market this past Saturday, not to make you feel bad but, you totally missed out!  It was a highlight moment in my life for sure!  I will try to get a video on here soon.  A very special THANK YOU to Bo Mostow and her crew for putting it all together, all the vendors, Crossroads Church, Cross Roads Preschool, Jim Atkins and of course, our EBB (EveryBody Beautiful) dandy little Lions who continue to create beautiful rainbows each and every single day.  We love you!  YOU SO GOT EBB!

This part makes me giggle with excitement!  A couple upcoming events this weekend…

Saturday, May 5th YARD SALE

Time: 7-2

Where:  50 W. Marshall Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85013

Furniture, Kitchen, OkaB Shoes, Antiques, Toys, Indiana Jones, GI Joe, Star Wars, Power Ranger, Jewelry, Lamps and so much more!

Elizabeth, Kate and Bryce will be selling snow cones, donuts and Big League Chew bubble gum.

Sunday, May 6th Mother’s Day Jewelry Making

A few months ago, I had a surprise waiting on my front door step.  It was from a very special group of ladies who have a weekly Bible study group and are constantly doing amazing things for EBB.  Well, they decided to make me the most beautiful, rainbowlicious bracelet I have ever seen!  With each bead they said a prayer.  It is one of my most favorite pieces and I wear it almost everyday!  Jewelya is hosting this amazing EBB Mother’s Day Event!  I am very excited that my own mom will be in town to enjoy the festivities!  I can’t wait to see all the beautiful beading for all the beautiful mama’s in our community!  See below for details…
