Elizabeth Brooklyn Blair

Archive for August, 2011

I got that BOOM BOOM POW

Hi friends!

Well, today was Elizabeth’s 2nd Chemotherapy. Photos will be in the photo gallery soon. Elizabeth is on a supersonic boom and I am glad to report that she continues to kick lymphoma butt! On the way to the clinic this morning she watched Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, and finally as we were pulling in she put on the Black Eyed Peas, Boom Boom Pow video on the Ipad. It was like she was psyching herself up for the fight!

Over the weekend, on Saturday, we were not surprised when Elizabeth requested chicken wings for dinner. We thought this was probably not a good idea for her stomach so we decided against letting her fulfill her craving. And of course on Sunday she woke up with some nausea and vomiting which eventually led us to the ER. However, her first words to her Dad were “See I told you, you should have let me have chicken wings for dinner.” After a dose of zofran, a supplement of potassium, some fluids and a new NG tube in place she proceeded to request chicken wings and chips with salsa for dinner, sooooo mom and dad gave in. And today she woke up feeling just fine.

She continues to teach us all something about strength and bravery. Her next chemotherapy will be on Tuesday next week and we know she will give lymphoma another big BOOM BOOM POW!

With much love and gratefulness,
Brooke and Heidi Blair

Home Sweet Home

Yes, Elizabeth got to go home this afternoon to a very clean home, laundry complete and dinner on the table. Besides the dreaded prednisone ‘yucky medicine’ that tolls on her mind, Elle is in good spirits and very happy to be home with sister, brother, papa, mommy, daddy and Ginger. It was a ‘special’ usual night of barbie time with sister and later watching america’s funniest home videos while eating popcorn with the family. Her wonderful laugh fills the house with joy and we are so glad to be home together tonight.

Also Elizabeth had her first chemo injection today and conquered it like a champ. The nurse and life care specialist could not believe that she did not make a peep when the needle hit the muscle as even most 15yr olds give out a yell. Watch out lymphoma she is one tough cookie!

I’m Pinkalicious

To our dearest friends and family,

We Brooke and Heidi have finally had a moment tonight to take a breath and look back over this last week that has so ever changed our lives.

First and foremost, Elizabeth (Aka Pinkalicious) is doing unbelievably well. We have never been more proud of anything. Despite the ‘yucky’ medicine (which if you have been lucky enough to witness this hour of whooshing and spitting everyday) she does not complain. The good news is Elizabeth learned to swallow a pill today. She has been practicing really hard and finally got it today with a cherry tic tac. We celebrated and think the entire 7th floor heard. Elizabeth has been busy making art projects and playing UNO. The nurses say that her room is one-of-a-kind! She’s got rhinestones on all the doors, a pink and purple lava lamp, flowing balloons, posters and cards galore. Fuzzy pillows and fuzzy flip flops, an entire counter and closet full if books, crafts and activities. The coziest stuff animals surround her and not to mention her frilly hair and nail accesories and jewelry.

Tomorrow it is possible we will get to go home. We are excited and terrified at the same time.

We are so increadibly blessed to have each and everyone of you in our lives. We would not have gotten through the last week without you. The words you have wrote, the prayers you have prayed, the gifts you have sent, the meals you have prepared, the parties you have plannned, the errands and chores you have done have truly touched our hearts in ways you could not imagine. This lifts us up many times a day. We so graciously thank you for each and everything big and small. We love you all dearly. Please continue your prayers as Elizabeth with all our support conquers this.

With much Love,
The Blairs

Elizabeth’s Update

Dear Team Elizabeth,

Yesterday Elizabeth did an amazing job. She received her port, a spinal tap and a dose of chemotherapy administered in the spine. The result of the spinal tab was clear! The doctor is very encouraged by the strength of Elizabeth and the treatment plan that the team of doctors at PCH mapped out for sweet Elle.

The results of blood work, bone marrow, spinal tap all have been clear and have led Elizabeth to a treatment plan for Non-Hodgkin’s Stage IV Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. Elizabeth will start chemotherapy today via her port and it is promising that Elizabeth may be able to return home in the next week or so. Elizabeth will have weekly chemo treatments for the next month.

The doctor mentioned that due to the chemo Elizabeth’s immune system likely will be compromised so that hospital visitation should be put on hold this week. In the mean time, please keep sending the loving and encouraging care packages, texts, emails, posts as your words Heidi said have made all the difference to the family. Keep them coming…

As Elizabeth was cheering with her Mom as she was prepping for her port procedure:

Rah Rah Ree
Kick Lymphoma in the Eye

Rah Rah Rass
Kick it in Butt!

Much Love,
Elizabeth’s Cheer Squad

Weekend Update

Dear Team Elizabeth,

There have been a few changes to the schedule in the past few days. Yesterday Elizabeth had a PET scan done in the morning and was back to her room by lunch. Today she is having the port procedure, a spinal tap and a dose of chemotherapy (Methotrexate) administered in the spine.

The results from the PET scan gave the family a few more pieces of the puzzle. Elizabeth has Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoblastic Lymphoma. The scan found it in her arms, legs and feet but the organs all looked clear. The results from the procedures today will allow the doctors to give Heidi and Brooke a “Road Map” of the upcoming treatment plan.

In the mean time, Elizabeth has been receiving all your care packages and kind words. The room looks different everyday! It is being filled with decorations and exudes LOVE. There are Get Well Signs, balloons and stuffed animals! Even Justin Beiber and Selena Gomez have made an appearance on the walls! I saw Heidi surveying the room yesterday. She said she had a few things she wanted to add…drapes and crown moulding!

Her mommy said it best, “Elizabeth is an old soul”. She has been so brave. She asks such good questions and is an amazing little patient. Even in the hospital, she is having a dance party with Mommy and doing dance moves with Daddy. Heidi said it felt “normal” last night when the siblings were getting on each others nerves!

Big Sister, Kate, turns 7 on Monday. They have a mini-hospital celebration planned tonight and a Bowling Party planned for her and her friends tomorrow. “It Takes a Village…” has more meaning now than ever. Truly all the mommies and daddies are stepping up to help Heidi and Brooke enjoy the everyday activities of family life too.

Please keep expressing your words of encouragement and love to the family. They are reading the posts/texts/emails/cards even if they haven’t had a chance to respond! Truly, every gesture of support gives the family hope and strength!

A meal schedule has been set up, simply follow the link:

A Facebook page has been set up, simply follow the link:

Much Love,
Elizabeth’s Cheer Squad

Dear Lymphoma

Dear Lymphoma,

I wonder if you know who you are dealing with? You know who I’m talking about, Elizabeth Blair. You’ve seen her on the playground. She might look little, bubbly, blond, cute and full of sparkling bows…but we are here to tell you that you are messing with the wrong girl! She is getting her port put in today and then she is coming after you! Just thought you should know.

Much Love,
Elizabeth’s Cheer Squad

PS-We have a Cheer for you:

Rah Rah Ree
Kick Lymphoma in the Knee

Rah Rah Rass
Kick it in the other Knee!

Elizabeth Brooklyn Blair

Elizabeth Brooklyn Blair

Posted Aug 18, 2011 5:27pm

Dear Friends of the Blair Family~

I am writing to help Heidi and Brooke inform their friends of the recent news about their sweet daughter, Elizabeth. Elizabeth had an MRI and a biopsy for a lump on her head that showed concerns to her doctors. She was admitted to Phoenix Children’s Hospital last night to run some additional tests. She underwent a Bone Marrow Biopsy this morning that will provide the information needed to diagnose her with either Lymphoma or Leukemia. They will receive the results in the next 24-48 hours and will be given a better picture of the treatment plan for Elizabeth at that time.

Once more information is provided, Heidi and Brooke will be able to use this site to post updates.

Elizabeth is an amazing and brave little girl. She turned 5 on July 22nd and started Kindergarten last week. Elizabeth is cute, frilly and loves all things sparkly (just like her mom). She even noticed the cute red shoes on her nurse this morning!

She will be at PCH for at least the next week. Please feel free to pass on the information to those who know and love their amazing family. I know they can use all the love and support we can send their way.

Phoenix Children’s Hospital
Patient: Elizabeth Blair
1919 East Thomas Road
Phoenix, AZ 85021

Much Love,

Natalie Meszaros